
Dodge Charger IGLA Installations

Dodge Chargers are popular cars among enthusiasts due to their powerful engines, sporty design, and high-performance features. Unfortunately, these qualities also make them a prime target for car thieves. Here are some common ways that thieves steal Dodge Chargers:

Keyless Entry Hacking – One of the most common methods of stealing Dodge Chargers is by using keyless entry hacking. This involves using a device that can pick up the signal from the key fob of the car owner, amplify it, and use it to unlock the vehicle without the owner’s knowledge. The thief can then start the car and drive away without needing the physical key.

Relay Attack on Dodge Charger 392 – Another method that thieves use is a relay attack. This involves two thieves working together, one near the car and the other near the key fob. The thief near the car uses a relay device to pick up the signal from the key fob, which is then transmitted to the thief near the key fob. This allows the thief to unlock and start the car.

OBD Port Theft on Dodge Charger Hellcat – Thieves can also use a device to access the car’s OBD (On-Board Diagnostic) port and program a new key fob to the car’s computer system. This method is popular among professional car thieves who are looking to steal high-end vehicles.

Towing – In some cases, thieves will tow the Dodge Charger Hellcat away with a tow truck, especially if the car is parked in a secluded area where there is less risk of getting caught.

To prevent your Dodge Charger Scatpack from being stolen, it is important to take necessary precautions!


How does the IGLA device keep your Charger safe from theft?

If you own a Dodge Charger, you know how important it is to protect your vehicle from theft and burglary. With IGLA anti-theft systems, you can rest easy knowing your car is safe and secure. The unique IGLA device uses an innovative door-locking mechanism that ensures maximum security for your Charger. What’s more, standard circuit conduits are used inside your vehicle, so there’s no additional wiring that can be found. In today’s market, IGLA anti-theft systems are the smart choice for Charger owners who want the best in security. You can easily deactivate locks using a personal tag, smartphone device, or PIN code. The key to IGLA’s effectiveness is that it can’t be easily found by would-be thieves – the device stays hidden until the engine is started. Don’t take chances with your car’s safety – choose IGLA anti-theft systems for unparalleled protection.

Miami Wired is South Florida’s Exclusive IGLA Installation Provider

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